Techfui Fūniki Artist Featiure Tamara Cue
Our feature artist this month is our second guest for the fūniki event on Friday 20th October on warmup duties before DJ Sendnudes.
Tamara is a DJ, performer, and certified Veterinarian from Kuwait, currently based in UAE.
Her relationship with music started at an early age, through learning different instruments, such as flute & bass guitar. She is currently learning cello and diving deeper into music production.
Having amassed an extensive music library she eventually started DJing while in college. Until now, she has performed in USA, Kuwait, UAE, and KSA. Her sound selection is diverse and non conforming as she mixes through a vast range of genres from funk, house, minimal, progressive, tech-y to name a few, and has even been known to surprise with some classical music or rock.
Tamara loves music, science, and nature and these forces take her on her adventures - whether it’s saving rhinos in the South African flatlands, or playing in the desert for MDLBeast’s Soundstorm.