The Crate Radio w/ Salah Sadeq

A weekly 1 hour curation of music that brings you fresh, rare, and hidden gems from all genres to create an engaging and social listening experience. Founded and hosted by Salah Sadeq inviting guest curators on rotation.
Do get in touch for any submissions and interest.
For info, contact
Concept and Production by Salah Sadeq
Making love in taipei - Betty Apple
Hellastic Fantastic (Nidia Remix) - BLEID
Space Soul Mother (Vocal) - Suddenly WOW!
The Twilight Zone - Acrelid
Hoax of the Century - Nørus, DJ Whipr Snipr
Entry - peachlyfe
Last Dance (Original Mix) - Bernardo Campos
Click - GoldRed
Drifting - Osman O"z
Baby I Love You So (Extended Version) - aDUBTA & The Black Oak Roots Allstars
1991 - Nørus, DJ Whipr Snipr
Scapegoat - Acrelid